As a Council we are taking every step to prepare for an increase in confirmed cases of the virus and ensure that the vital services that you rely upon will continue to support residents during this difficult time.
Our services, including adult social care, waste and children’s services, have well developed plans that will ensure our most vulnerable residents get the support they need in the coming weeks and months.
We are also working with our partners including those in health, policing and other vital services to ensure Waltham Forest is as prepared as we can be for a further spread of the virus.
Some of you may need extra support at this time, and it’s important that everyone is aware of what additional support they can apply for and know where to find it.
We have a special COVID-19 web page that is updated daily and will be using special email newsletters to share information with you.
Our website also lists all the support available for residents who may be experiencing hardship:
If you are struggling to buy food the council can offer Local Welfare Assistance and such as food vouchers and essential household items.
Discretionary Housing Payments may be available to top-up housing-related benefit for a limited time to cover housing costs such as rent.
If you're experiencing exceptional hardship you may be able to claim a discretionary reduction in Council Tax. Visit our website to find out if you qualify.
We have also been notified from the Government that additional financial resources will be provided to local authorities to support vulnerable residents. We will provide further information on this topic as soon as it will be made available. |
NHS has some tips on self-isolation.
Residents are also advised to work from home when possible, avoid any unnecessary travel and social interactions, as well as going to pubs, cinemas, theatres or clubs.
Please check Government advice to obtain the most recent information.
What to do if you feel unwell
If you think you’re experiencing symptoms of Coronavirus, do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy, or hospital. Visit NHS Website for further information.
All residents are encouraged to take the following steps to avoid catching and spreading the virus: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue if you cough or sneeze. Put used tissues into the bin immediately. Wash your hands with soap and water often. Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available. Wash your hands when you arrive into work and return home. Try to avoid close contact with unwell people. |
In line with Government advice schools in Waltham Forest are currently remaining open. This may change and parents will be updated via the school as soon as information is available. |
The Council will be using email newsletters to keep residents and businesses up to date. Please encourage friends and family to sign up so they too can stay connected with what's happening in our borough. |